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How to Become an RVT
How to Become an RVT

How to Become an RVT

Looking to become a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT)? Wondering how you can do that, and where to start? Here are a few tips and things to know to help get you started!

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The Value of Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork
The Value of Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork

The Value of Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork

Bloodwork will help to see how each organ is functioning and can show signs of damage before the pet’s outward behaviour indicates any changes. 

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Dark Side of Dr. Google
Dark Side of Dr. Google

Dark Side of Dr. Google

While not every suggestion you find on the internet will be a bad suggestion, there is also a prevalence of misinformation at the click of a button. 

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Your Horses Need Dental Care Too
Your Horses Need Dental Care Too

Your Horses Need Dental Care Too

A proper dental exam and treatment are amongst the most important, and most neglected, aspects of equine health care in horses of all ages. 

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Over 85% of Pets Have Dental Disease
More than 85% of Pets Have Some Degree of Dental Disease!

Over 85% of Pets Have Dental Disease

Good oral health is an important part of good general health for your pet and often the first place your veterinarian begins when they perform a physical exam on your pet.

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Protecting Pets Against Lyme Disease
3 Steps to Protect Pets Against Lyme Disease

Protecting Pets Against Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an infection caused by the corkscrew-shaped bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi. In New Brunswick, these bacteria are spread by the bite of blacklegged ticks.

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Homemade Skunk Shampoo
Homemade Skunk Shampoo

Homemade Skunk Shampoo

Easy homemade dog shampoo recipe with baking soda & peroxide. Easy steps to remove the odour & keep your furry friend smelling fresh.

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The Low Down on Ticks
The Low Down on Ticks

The Low Down on Ticks

Most ticks go through four life stages: egg, six-legged larva, eight-legged nymph, and adult. After hatching from the eggs, ticks must eat blood at every stage to survive. 

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DIY Disaster: Ear Cleaner
DIY Disaster: Ear Cleaner

DIY Disaster: Ear Cleaner

There are a lot of DIY or homemade products for pets on the internet. But when it comes to the health of your pet it is not a light matter to chance on a DIY.

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What You Need to Know About Anesthesia
What You Need to Know About Anesthesia

What You Need to Know About Anesthesia

One of the main reasons pet owners do not want to have a dental cleaning or procedure done is because of Anesthesia. But we are here to reassure you!

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A Tale on a Horse’s Mouth
A Tale on a Horse’s Mouth

A Tale on a Horse’s Mouth

Dental health is a key factor to overall health of the horse. Horses have ‘continuously erupting teeth’ which means that they grow throughout their life, similar to rabbits.

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Rabbit and Their Teeth
Rabbit and Their Teeth

Rabbit and Their Teeth

Rabbit teeth continuously grow, this allows for a unique set of problems for rabbits and can become critical as their nutrition and food intake is vital for their health.

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